
Bravo! My first TV appearance...

and I was eating. Figures.

A month or so ago (can you tell I'm playing catch up?) my good friend Maggie sent me this picture with the following text message: "Am I just missing you so much I'm seeing you everywhere....?" First off, let's just reflect on that sweet text. I miss that girl! Second, she wasn't delusional--it was me throwing back some Watermelon/Tomato Gazpacho. Apparently they didn't notice my reaction when I tasted that Tomato--if you know me, chances are you know I strongly dislike tomatoes.

The commercial was promoting this year's Top Chef Tour. The footage was from last years tour, which I had the opportunity to go to with my coworkers (the perks of working in Promotions). It was pretty fun--we took pictures, ate some food and got a free cookbook.

So, there you have it. My first (and probably last) TV appearance!

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