
B is for Bennett

Babies, babies and more BABIES! Is there a baby boom going on right now or what?! This past May, with Amber and Sarah's help, I threw a baby shower for my cousin Catie at our home in Culver City. Not only was the shower so much fun, but prepping for the shower with Sarah and Amber was a blast too. We were cookie baking and decorating machines!


[Cute decor that Catie can use in Bennett's nursery]


[Candy Bar game]

Wasn't Catie SO cute pregnant? Lucky girl! Well, in case you don't know already--that bump is gone and Bennett is HERE! And oh my, he is the cutest. More to come on that later. Thanks to Amber and Sarah for being great co-hostesses and thanks to Sayoko for taking such amazing pictures. We love you Catie and Bennett!!